Yoga at the Eccles Community Art Center
The ECAC has an extensive list of yoga classes that Ogden yogis might want to check out. This week’s schedule includes vinyasa yoga, chair yoga, tai chi, kundalini yoga and mediation classes.
Jan. 22 at 6:30 p.m.: Vinyasa yoga class
Jan. 23 at 9:30 a.m.: Adult tai chi
Jan. 23 at 10:30 a.m.: Chair yoga
Jan. 23 at 12 p.m.: Restore and more yoga
Jan. 24 at 12 p.m.: Restore and more yoga
Jan. 24 at 6 p.m.: Yoga tonic
Jan. 24 at 6:15 p.m.: Kundalini yoga
Jan. 25 at 9:30 a.m.: Adult tai chi
Jan. 25 at 6:30 p.m.: Ease-y meditation

OSBA Presents Collage Dance Collective
The Ogden Symphony Ballet Association is bringing the Collage Dance Collective to the stage on Jan. 25 at 7:30 p.m.
Collage Dance Collective was founded in 2006. The dance troupe based in Memphis, TN aims to create a diverse audience for ballet performances. Their dancers come from around the world, including French Guinea and Montreal.
Executive Director Marcellus Harper said, “We’re a diverse company. We’re inclusive, but we’re proactive in showcasing dancers of color. One, we look for high-caliber professional black and brown dancers who are classically trained, and there are not an abundance — there are some, but not a whole lot.”
Harper’s goal, and the entire company’s, is to bring an unprecedented sense of diversity within the world of ballet.
Tickets to the show vary in price and can be purchased by visiting: http://www.symphonyballet.org.
Jordan World Circus
A traditional three-ring circus will perform at Ogden’s Golden Spike Arena on Jan. 26 at 7 p.m., Jan. 27 at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. and Jan. 28 at 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.
Jordan World Circus hails from Las Vegas, NV and is owned and operated by Jody and Melanie Jordan.
Visit Ogden writes, “Each performance includes all the elements of a traditional circus show including but not limited to: lions and tigers; amazing aerialists; dashing, daring, dauntless daredevils; fabulous funny clowns; enchanting elephants; boundless feats of balance and agility; hazardous horsemanship; precision performing animals of all shapes and sizes!”
Tickets are $18 for adults and $14 for children and can be purchased by calling the Golden Spike Arena: 801-399-8798.

Winter Carnival
Snowbasin is celebrating the winter season on Jan. 27 by hosting a winter activities on the mountain. This includes a skiing scavenger hunt, night skiing and a firework show.
Snowbasin’s website outlines the activities as follows:
10 a.m.–6 p.m.: On-Mountain Scavenger Hunt- Follow our social media channels for clues!
11 a.m.–6 p.m.: Tap Takeover with Epic Brewing on Earl’s Patio
1–6 p.m.: Face painter, balloon maker, and magician
3:30–6 p.m.: Live Music in the Cinnabar with Clusterpluck
4–5 p.m.: Free Cookie Decorating in the Learning Center
4–6:30 p.m.: Night Skiing on Littlecat Lift
5:30–6:30 p.m.: Free S’mores on Earl’s Patio
6:45 p.m.: Fireworks