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The Signpost

The Signpost

Poetry saved my life

December 2, 2014

As a teenager I was always told that high school would be the best years of my life. I’m not sure where that idea came from, but it is certainly not a one-size-fits-all concept. Growing up I was not...

Why I’m still a student

November 29, 2014

I’m nearly 30 years old, happily married and I have two children in grade school. I have a union job, a mortgage and plenty of big boy toys. I’m living the life of an average, American middle-class...

National Novel Writing Month the best way to spend November

October 23, 2014

For many college students, November is about finishing up end of semester projects, prepping for finals and enjoying a turkey coma. For me, November is about something entirely different: National Novel...

Author Caitlin Horrocks visits for reading series

October 3, 2014

This week, Sian Griffiths, the director of the creative writing program, invited visiting writer Caitlin Horrocks to WSU as part of the department of English’s annual Creative Writing Reading Series. Though...

Good writers listen to the music

September 26, 2014

In a world of text messages and status updates, good writing is the lifeblood of our credibility. Reading great literature is the most obvious way for the writers to improve their craft, but what about...

Best-selling author speaks at Teen Writers Conference

June 21, 2014

New York Times bestselling author Jessica Day George gave writing advice to teens from Utah, Idaho and neighboring states Saturday for the sixth annual Teen Writers Conference at WSU. The keynote speaker...

Geek in Gear: Use the Writing Center; be a better student

August 9, 2013

No matter what your major is, chances are that you're going to have to write for it. Not only do your generals require you take at least one English class, many classes require some degree of competence...

Abstract Academic: Put the "dis" in dystopia

November 13, 2012

I will soon be a father, and this has made me realize that (1) I am poor, and (2) my current academic trajectory points me toward a life in education, which doesn’t really fix No. 1. So, after I read...

Simonson Says: NaNoWriMo has a point (and one day, I will think of it)

November 3, 2012

Those of you who aren't creative writing majors, I know how you see us. I know. It's OK. I know when you think "creative writing major," you think of people who make the characters of "The Big Bang Theory"...

Simonson Says: My Multiverse List

February 26, 2012

Most people have a bucket list, whether vaguely floating around in their heads or meticulously formatted and regularly updated on Microsoft Excel, and I am no exception. Like most people’s, my list...

Amiri Baraka visits Weber State, shares literary work with students

February 16, 2012

Poet Amiri Baraka visited Weber State University Thursday as part of the Convocations lecture series. Baraka is an author of over 40 literary works and is known nationwide for his political activism....

Viewpoint: What's wrong with Twilight?

November 20, 2011

As everyone is probably aware, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 1 (with a title that long for a story in which so little happens, you know something has already gone wrong) opened last week to...

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