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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

Severe air pollution causes smog, making one country shut down schools and move to virtual classes because of the air quality. Photo credit: Pixabay

Do you know your news? Nov. 16

Joshua Kamp November 15, 2021

1. What European country raised its terrorism threat warning to its second-highest level on Nov. 15 after a bomb in a taxi exploded outside of a hospital?a. U.K.b. Francec. Spaind. Greece2. Three people...

Students deal with slippery situation

Students deal with slippery situation

Ally Nelson January 17, 2019

Back-to-back snowstorms wreaked havoc on parking Jan. 7. WSU’s Parking Services issued 142 tickets the first day of Spring Semester, 22 of which were issued for blocking another parked vehicle. Those...

This season's Utah snowfall has surpassed the average of 61 inches. (Dalton Flandro / The Signpost)

Greatest snow on Earth falls in record quantities

John Wise February 3, 2017

On Jan. 24, the popular Utah-based weather blog WasatchWeatherWeenies reported that “pound for pound, the snowiest place in Utah” is Ben Lomond Peak. The National Water and Climate Center snow...

Weber State University students walk to and from the Shepherd Union building in heavy rainfall during a tornado on Sept 22. (Emily Crooks / The Signpost)

Freak weather brings dorm dwellers together

Jeweliette Cordero September 27, 2016

Living in the dorms is like living in a very small neighborhood. You see the same faces and know who lives in what room in which building. You all know that you live together, but no one actually seems...

Visitors enjoy the wintery scene created by the recent El Nino storm at the Mount Baldy Ski Are on Jan. 7, 2016. (Genaro Molina/ Los Angeles Times/TNS) Photo credit: MCT & Tribune News Service

You, me and El Niño

Abi Laub February 22, 2016

Over the past few months the phrase "El Niño" has been thrown around a lot and if you're still wondering what El Niño exactly is, don't worry—you're not alone.You may have seen Chris Farley’s...

One of largest storms in recorded history hits Phillippines

November 12, 2013

Winds going 195 mph left an estimated 2,000-2,500 dead in the Philippines after Super Typhoon Haiyan leveled buildings, flooded islands and left disaster in its wake. Nicknamed Super Typhoon Yolanda...

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