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The Student News Site of Weber State University

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

On Feb 25, 2021, University of Utah professor William Smith gave a presentation to Weber State on the education of Black History and why it is needed in society today. (ISRAEL CAMPA/The Signpost)

Un discusión sobre el racismo científico y la fatiga de la batalla racial

Lissete Landaverde March 1, 2021

Profesor de University of Utah William Smith hizo dos preguntas durante su discurso virtual sobre el Mes de la Historia Negra en feb. 23: ¿Por qué necesitamos el Mes de la Historia Negra?" y "Por qué...

Ruby Bridges, civil rights activist, spoke to the WSU community on Feb. 18. Bridges was the little girl depicted in Norman Rockwell's painting of the beginning of the desegregation of local schools in Louisiana in 1960. Photo credit: Weber State University

A walk back in history with Ruby Bridges

Lissete Landaverde February 22, 2021

In a webinar held by Weber State University for Black History Month, civil rights activist Ruby Bridges shared her story with the community over Zoom on Feb. 18. At six years old, Bridges was one of the...

The Weber State University peer mentor's instagram handle. (Paige McKinnon/The Signpost)

Aprendiendo a abolir las narrativas déficit en la educación superior

Lissete Landaverde February 12, 2021

Cada mes, el Peer Mentoring Committee organiza orientaciónes para estudiantes en funciones de mentoría. Como parte del programa de Access and Diversity de WSU, el programa de Peer Mentor llevó a cabo...

Dance Marathon held an event in October for Child Health Day. Photo credit: WSUSA

WSUSA to hold their fourth-annual Dance Marathon fundraising events

Lissete Landaverde February 8, 2021

According to Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, 62 children enter their facilities every minute across the country. It's for these children that Weber State University students are holding a fundraising...

El deseo de adquirir una nueva especialización secundaria de estudios Queer

El deseo de adquirir una nueva especialización secundaria de estudios Queer

Lissete Landaverde February 1, 2021

Las clases sobre la comunidad LGBTQ han sido escasas en los últimos años. Por eso, los profesores Theresa Kay, Melina Alexander y Richard Price de Weber State University han puesto en marcha la creación...

Ibram X. Kendi joins WSU President Brad Mortensen over Zoom to discuss antiracism. (Lissete Landaverde // The Signpost)

Ibram X. Kendi talks antiracist activism

Lissete Landaverde January 20, 2021

Weber State University hosted a Zoom webinar with author and antiracist activist Ibram X. Kendi and President Brad Mortensen on Jan. 13. The two discussed how to be antiracist and celebrate Martin Luther...

Peery’s Egyptian Theater is maintaining a Christmas tradition by showing The Nutcracker ballet throughout the month of December. Photo credit: Julie Moffitt

Upholding Christmas tradition with upcoming Nutcracker performances at Peery’s

Lissete Landaverde December 2, 2020

Peery’s Egyptian Theater will host productions of The Nutcracker by Julie Moffitt Ballet School and Imagine Ballet Theater during the weekends leading up to Christmas.Julie Moffitt Ballet School...

Dr. Jason Cowell of University of Wisconsin, Greenbay, explains his studies of the neural development of moral judgment and moral action of children.  (Nikki Dorber / The Signpost)

Exploring morality and fairness through the minds of children

Lissete Landaverde November 23, 2020

The WSU Neuroscience Program and Club wrapped up their Neuroscience Lecture series on Nov. 19 by hosting a lecture presented by Jason Cowell, "Empathy, Morality, & Fairness in the Brain," via Zoom. Cowell,...

Sugar skulls are used to represent those that have departed. (Israel Campa / The Signpost)

Day of the Dead celebrations live on at WSU

Lissete Landaverde November 9, 2020

Weber State University's Diversity Programs celebrated Day of the Dead with altar displays on campus and multiple Zoom events on Nov. 1 and 2. WSU Ballet Folklórico, the Hispanic Area Council and...

The Department of Performing Arts Theatre held the Crushing the Curve: Fever event via YouTube on Oct. 29, called "Theatre Fever Spooktacular." (Lissete Landaverde // The Signpost)

WSU students produce a frightening show for the Halloween season

Lissete Landaverde November 2, 2020

The Department of Performing Arts Theatre held the Crushing the Curve: Fever event via YouTube on Oct. 29, called "Theatre Fever Spooktacular." From performances to set designs and filming, the event was...

The purple ribbon is used for domestic violence awareness, recognized in the month of October. Photo credit: Pixabay

Understanding how to support sexual misconduct survivors

Lissete Landaverde October 26, 2020

Weber State University’s Women’s Center held a presentation for faculty and staff about supporting survivors of sexual misconduct on Oct. 22 via Zoom.Sexual misconduct is not just sexual assault...

On Oct. 17, Hugo Caicedo presented on African Latin Americans and their contributions to Latin culture. (Lissete Landaverde)

African Latin Americans: The overlooked group in the Latino community

Lissete Landaverde October 19, 2020

Hugo Caicedo gave a presentation on Oct. 17 via Zoom about how African Latinos, who make up a large portion of Latin America, have contributed to Latin American culture and impacted the United States. This...

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