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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

Those interested in joining the Wyvern Gaming Club can join the club's Facebook page, block party station or just show up to a club meeting. Photo credit: Pixabay

Wyvern Gaming Club celebrates its 20th anniversary

Lissete Landaverde August 27, 2021

Finding a place in the world is not the easiest thing for anyone, but the existence of different campus clubs makes it easier to meet new people and share interests with one another.The Wyvern Gaming Club,...

The "Friends Forever" horse utilizes bright colors and flowers to catch the attention of all who walk by. (Bella Torres / The Signpost)

La manada colorida de Ogden Pioneer Days

Lissete Landaverde July 19, 2021

Durante los meses de verano, visitantes encontrarán manada colorida de caballos que adornan las calles del centro de Ogden. Estos caballos pintados de tamaño natural muestran una gran variedad...

Fireworks from the Pop's Fireworks that occur annually. Other photo has year and date Photo credit: Weber State University

Una tradición veraniega que regresa con Linquist Pops and Fireworks

Lissete Landaverde June 28, 2021

Después del hiato del año pasado debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, el concierto de Lindquist Pops y el espectáculo de cuetes volverán a Lindquist Plaza el 18. de julio. Esta tradición...

Películas en las noches de verano

Lissete Landaverde June 14, 2021

Ogden City Arts, Culture and Events está regresando la serie Monday Night Movies a la comunidad para el verano de 2021. Para la serie Monday Night Movies, mostrarán dos películas gratis...

WSU rushes to restore trees across campus after windstorms

Lissete Landaverde June 7, 2021

Weber State University canceled classes on all campuses on Sept. 8 and Sept. 9 due to high winds that damaged buildings and trees, and left 150,000 Rocky Mountain customers without power. As a result of...

Members of The Ohana Association managing a booth about the organization. Photo credit: The Ohana Association

Uplifting minority groups through student clubs and organizations

Lissete Landaverde April 19, 2021

Starting college is not easy for anyone, especially for minorities, who may feel out of place and may not have the resources needed to get through the process. The Weber State Center of Multicultural Excellence...

Adrienne Andrews, AVP for Diversity & Chief Diversity Officer at Weber State University, offers a brief introduction for Ruth Kapp Hartz on April 8. (Brooklynn Kilgore/The Signpost) Photo credit: Brooklynn Kilgore

The Holocaust through the eyes of a survivor

Lissete Landaverde April 12, 2021

Ruth Kapp Hartz, a Holocaust survivor, was the keynote speaker for Weber State University's Holocaust Remembrance Week on April 8. The theme for this year's Holocaust Remembrance is "be the light in the...

A Latinx graduate walks across the stage with her child, a memorable moment during a past ceremony. Photo credit: LatinX Grad Ceremony

Hats off to WSU’s Latinx grads

Lissete Landaverde April 5, 2021

Graduating from college is a big deal for every student, and those from marginalized communities often feel its impact even more. The LatinX Grad Ceremony is a celebration for graduating Latinx or Hispanic...

A Latinx graduate walks across the stage with her child, a memorable moment during a past ceremony. Photo credit: LatinX Grad Ceremony

Felicitaciones graduados Latinx de WSU

Lissete Landaverde April 5, 2021

Translated by Lissete Landaverde. Graduarse de la universidad es algo bien importante para todos los estudiantes, y los de comunidades en minorías a menudo sienten su impacto mucho más. La ceremonia...

A photo of Hoover School's first grade class of 1944 is shared for all members of the Zoom call to see. Photo credit: Lissete Landaverde

The overlooked story of the first step toward desegregation

Lissete Landaverde March 31, 2021

It is well-known that the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case led to the desegregation of schools across the country. Less well-known is another case that came before that paved the way for...

Wildcat MicroFund helps aspiring entrepreneurs form business ideas, learn to present them and helps fund entrepreneurs to make their vision a reality. Photo credit: Suazo Business Center

Wildcat MicroFund se ramifica para ayudar a la comunidad de habla hispana

Andres Rodriguez March 15, 2021

Llegará un momento en la vida en el que se necesitará ayuda, especialmente con los futuros esfuerzos. El Wildcat MicroFund está aquí para brindar esa ayuda a los próximos aspirantes...

Wildcat MicroFund is expanding their outreach to Spanish-speakers to better help the underrepresented Hispanic community. Photo credit: Suazo Business Center

Wildcat MicroFund branches out to help Spanish-speaking community

Lissete Landaverde March 15, 2021

There will come a time in life where one needs help, especially with future business endeavors. The Wildcat MicroFund is here to provide that help to aspiring entrepreneurs. The Wildcat MicroFund is a...

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