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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

Gregory Woodfield, Student Body President, directs the WSUSA executive board meeting on Wednesday, Sept 21. He has been noticeably absent from senate meetings.  (Emily Crooks / The Signpost)

WSUSA Senate voices concerns to president

Chris Nichols January 8, 2017

On Dec. 31, members of the Weber State University Student Association Senate wrote a letter to WSUSA President Gregory Woodfield concerning his failure to carry out his presidential responsibilities. The...

A Weber State University student walks in the commencement ceremony in spring 2016. WSUSA looks for students to participate in Putting Student Through, a program that let's graduates recognize those who have helped them. (Dalton Flandro / The Signpost)

New elections chair, student fees, putting student through

Ben Brandley November 16, 2016

New Elections ChairThe WSUSA Elections Committee has a new leader.Zachery Venstra, a political science major, was appointed as the Elections Committee Chair during an WSUSA executive board meeting on Nov....

Gregory Woodfield, WSUSA President, addresses other WSUSA executives in an open meeting on Oct. 5. Meetings have been closed to the public since Oct. 19. (Emily Crooks / The Signpost)

WSUSA executive meetings can be closed to public

Rachel Badali November 3, 2016

The WSUSA Executive Board can meet behind closed doors, according to legal counsel for Weber State University and The Signpost. During a meeting Tuesday, lawyers for both parties agreed that the...

Gregory Woodfield, WSUSA president. (Source: Weber State University Student Involvement and Leadership)

Late Night with the WSUSA Executive Board

Ben Brandley September 18, 2016

The WSUSA executive board is staying up late for meetings this semester. The members of the executive branch are gathering in the Student Involvement and Leadership (SIL) office from 9–11 p.m. every...

Tracy Hall Science Center opens its doors at a ribbon cutting ceremony on Wednesday, Aug 24, 2016. (Maddy VanOrman / The Signpost)

Tracy Hall Science Center opens to the public

Sarah Earnshaw August 30, 2016

"Have sharp finger nails? You can make them extra smooth thanks to Tracy Hall. Have a cavity? The dentist has the right tools for that, thanks to Hall" said Greg Woodfield, this year's student body president,...

Knight wins in drama-filled WSUSA elections

March 21, 2015

Cash Knight has been elected to serve as next year’s Weber State University student body president after winning 47 percent of the 1,777 votes cast. However, the WSUSA executive elections ended in...

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