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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

Human rights activists held flags in support during the march. (The Signpost Archives)

Telling the stories of her

Coby Crisler March 13, 2022

Weber State University's Women's Herstory Month, led by Weber State's Women's Center, began on March 1. Throughout the month there are many activities and events planned that all centered on empowering...

The Clothesline Project informs the community that there is violence against women, children, and men. (Israel Campa/The Signpost)

Shedding light on domestic violence

Kierstynn King November 2, 2020

Since 2000, 42 percent of adult homicides in Utah are domestic-violence related, and every year, 80 children across Utah witness the murder or attempted murder of their mother, according to the Utah Domestic...

The purple ribbon is used for domestic violence awareness, recognized in the month of October. Photo credit: Pixabay

Understanding how to support sexual misconduct survivors

Lissete Landaverde October 26, 2020

Weber State University’s Women’s Center held a presentation for faculty and staff about supporting survivors of sexual misconduct on Oct. 22 via Zoom.Sexual misconduct is not just sexual assault...

Maria Contreras-Sweet during the 2014 Milken Institute Global Conference held Monday, April 28, 2014 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Javier Rojas/Prensa Internacional/Zuma Press/TNS)

News quiz Feb. 15

Kara Mitchell February 15, 2018

1. What has former White House senior aide Rob Porter been accused of?a. Embezzlementb. Lying under oathc. Domestic abuse2. Former Obama administration official Maria Contreras-Sweet is in talks to buy...


Domestic violence in Utah — not just a private family matter

Ashton Corsetti January 11, 2018

During any regular drive around town in Ogden, one can see billboards with the tagline “#Utah 1 in 3." One in three women in Utah experience some form of domestic violence, a rate higher than the...

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