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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The main Banquet Hall inside of the Lindquist Alumni Center.

Entering and then breaking

Sky Mundell, Asst. News Editor September 5, 2023

Employees arriving for work at the Hurst Center and Alumni Center on campus were met with a shocking scene on Aug. 15. Staff members arrived to find their workspaces left in shambles from a burglary that...

Photo credit: Pixabay

Police blotter Aug. 30

Joshua Kamp August 27, 2021

Construction site woes On Aug. 23, officers responded to a report of theft at Weber State University's Technical Education Building construction site. Various tools and equipment were stolen from the site...

(Photo via Matt Popovich on

Police Blotter 9/30

Marisa Nelson September 30, 2020

Car FightingA suspicious vehicle was spotted at University Village on Sept. 7. An officer approached the vehicle and reported that the owner of the vehicle seemed to be talking on the phone in an upset...

A sign directs people to the Writing Center and DELC, which were moved due to the flooding. (Joshua Wineholt / The Signpost)

Repairs underway after Elizabeth Hall pipe break

Ryan Marion January 25, 2018

A main water line near Weber State University’s Elizabeth Hall broke in the early morning on Jan. 22, flooding classes on the first floor and offices on the second.First floor classes were moved...

Fire leads to evacuation of Kimball Arts building

July 17, 2015

Fire officials were called to the Kimball Visual Arts building Thursday night due to a fire in the building's woodshop. Around 8 p.m. campus officials, firefighters and students surrounded the Kimball Arts...

Burst pipe causes flooding at WSU

July 11, 2013

During construction on Weber State University's underground service tunnels, a fire line burst on the west side of the Shepherd Union Building, resulting in a huge pool of water, which left WSU personnel...

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