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The Student News Site of Weber State University

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

Una mirada al club de estudiantes de la primera generación de Weber State

Una mirada al club de estudiantes de la primera generación de Weber State

Marianna Lopez Luritta and Hunter Lindsey August 29, 2022

Escrito por Hunter Lindsey Traducido por Marianna Lopez-Luritta El club de estudiantes de primera generación de la Universidad Estatal Weber sigue proporcionando un lugar para que los estudiantes...

The primary goal of the Human Rights Club is to foster education on the suppression of human rights. Photo credit: Weber State University

Students unite for human rights

ezra striley-weinman January 31, 2022

Weber State University's Human Rights Club announced its relaunch on Jan. 24. This club is the WSU branch of Amnesty International, a student-led club whose primary goal is to foster education on the suppression...

First-generation club guides the future

First-generation club guides the future

Ally Nelson April 3, 2019

For a Spanish translation, click here.Thirty-nine percent of Weber State University students identify as first generation students, the first within their family to attend a four-year institution to attain...

First-generation students mix it up

First-generation students mix it up

Ally Nelson March 21, 2019

First-generation students united to celebrate similarities in being the first in their family to pursue higher education on March 15 in the Wildcat Lanes. According to Sarah Herrmann, WSU assistant psychology...

Urban Legends of Ogden: BarrelHouse

Tyler Hoffman October 28, 2015

Rumored murders, parties and a rich history surround the BarrelHouse, located inside the Berthana. Formerly known as the Century Club, the BarrelHouse offers craft burgers and craft beer for you and...

Urban legends of Ogden: Alleged

Tyler Hoffman October 25, 2015

The C.C. Keller building located on Historic 25th Street and Lincoln Avenue was purchased in 2011 by brothers Michael and Jared Allen. It has been the home of the famous Rose Room Brothel, the Dangerous...

WSU Fencing Club seeks more members

October 23, 2012

Fencing is a physical Olympic sport that is competitive and can be physically demanding. Yet, with a 10-minute lesson, students can be fencing. Part of the United States Fencing Association, the 30-member...

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