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The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Student Fee Recommendation Committee undergoes hours of training in order to best allocate students fees. Photo credit: Pixabay

Breaking down student fees

Jennifer Greenlee April 19, 2021

Each year, students pay thousands of dollars in tuition and student fees. Each dollar has a purpose, from funding student services like the Health Center to paying for student events.This year, student...

WSU Student Service Center Ogden Campus (Robert Lewis / The Signpost)

WSU introduces policy about policy

Tori Waltz January 4, 2020

When Stephanie Bell Hollist sleeps at night, she dreams — an “umbrella term” for nightmares, as her colleague Patrick Thomas puts it — about policy at Weber State University. That’s...

WSU Davis Campus (Weber State University)

Sculpting the fate of the future

Jennifer Greenlee September 14, 2018

Once a month, the powers-that-be convene to determine the fate of all Weber State University students. Well, they at least discuss the finances, academic changes and policy changes at WSU. These powers-that-be...

El presidente Chuck Wight se dirige a la gente acerca de la financiación recibida para renovar el edificio de Social Science el 13 de marzo en el edificio de Wattis Business. (Emily Crooks / The Signpost)

El personal del estado de Weber discute los impactos de la sesión legislativa de Utah en 2017

Jennica Willden March 17, 2017

Los miembros del personal en Weber State se reunieron el 13 de marzo para discutir cómo la última sesión legislativa de Utah afectará a la universidad. El informe se llevó a cabo en el edificio...

Brad Mortensen, Vice President for University Advancement at WSU, answers a question from faculty following President Chuck Wight's discussion on the university's funding during a packed lecture hall in Wattis Business Building on March 13. (Emily Crooks / The Signpost)

2017 legislative session impacts home of the Wildcats

Jennica Willden March 16, 2017

Staff members at Weber State gathered on March 13 to discuss how Utah's most recent legislative session will affect the university. The most heavily discussed topic was the announcement to replace the...

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