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The Student News Site of Weber State University

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

The Signpost

Weber State students Carlos Avina (left) and Emily Rodriguez (right) grab several assortments before heading to class.// Estudiantes de Weber State Carlos Avina (Izquierda) y Emily Rodriguez (Derecha) agarran varios surtidos antes de dirigirse a clase.

Swipe or no swiping: WSU students and dating

Jared Mitchell, Reporter February 18, 2025

Leer en español With another Valentine's Day come and gone, one thing at the forefront of many people's minds is dating. Dating is an unmovable mountain that must be climbed by anyone looking for a...

A person holds a smartphone displaying dating apps.// Una persona sostiene un teléfono móvil mostrando aplicaciones de citas.

Deslizar o no deslizar: Estudiantes de WSU y las citas

Nathanael Stout and Jared Mitchell February 18, 2025

Read in English Con otro Día de San Valentín a punto de pasar, una cosa en el foco de la mente de muchos es tener citas. Las citas son una montaña inamovible que tiene que ser escalada por cualquiera...

Green is the color of the ribbon representing mental health awareness.

Free mental health resources available to WSU students

Tenaya Hyde, Reporter August 28, 2024

Most students can agree that college can influence mental health. Times of excessive stress, anxiety and trauma can make therapy a critical step in achieving and maintaining mental health. “Not everybody...

Many students experienced more stress during the fall 2021 semester. Photo credit: Weber State University

Opinion: The transition back has been harder than the initial pandemic

Caitlyn Nichols January 10, 2022

I don’t know about you, but last semester kind of sucked. I mean, I got through with some good grades still, but it was hard. We talked about this fairly often here at The Signpost, how none of us...

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