While the competition for Weber State University Student Association executive offices was fierce, the activities committee’s first event will be even fiercer.
Kamilna Kroner, a little-known write-in candidate, was announced as activities VP after WSUSA’s Supreme Court threw out both Amina Khan and Kyle Froerer’s campaigns for the position.
For her first activity as VP, Kroner and the WSUSA service team will be hosting a Hunger Games-style event, which they’re calling “The Hungry Games.” The event will test students’ physical skills as well as their service skills. Participants will be competing for an X parking pass and a gift card to the WSU campus store.
“I’m super stoked to be planning this event,” Kroner said. “’The Hunger Games’ trilogy are some of my favorite books. I’m really excited to get to re-enact some of my favorite scenes from the books and movies.”
“The Hungry Games” will have several sections that will test students’ physical skills and social welfare skills. Each section of the event has been planned by Kroner and her team and overseen by professors and administrators.
Barry Jovee, director of extracollegiate athletics at WSU, has been working closely with Kroner and her team through every step of the planning process. Jovee said he couldn’t be more excited to be helping plan an event like “The Hungry Games.”
Currently serving as an athletics administrator, Jovee has helped Kroner and her team plan the physical skill portion of “The Hungry Games” competition. While Jovee couldn’t release many details, he was able to hint at what the physical skill portion of “The Hungry Games” would look like.
“I can’t say much because we haven’t locked down all the details and we don’t want students to be able to train too specifically,” Jovee said. “One thing I can tell you for sure is participants will be required to run the whole length of the Bonneville Shoreline trail while being chased by feral dogs.”
Deanna Tesmond, current service VP for WSUSA, is also involved in planning “The Hungry Games.” Specifically, Tesmond is in charge of overseeing the social welfare section of the event.
Tesmond, a senior in social advocacy, said she’s excited for all the good this section of “The Hungry Games” will do for WSU students and those in the surrounding community. Like Jovee, Tesmond wasn’t allowed to give many details during the interview, only brief descriptions of rejected service activities.
“We thought about seeing how long participants can go giving their only food away to someone else,” Tesmond said. “Participants would literally be giving someone else the food out of their mouths and going hungry.”
Tesmond said no matter what activities the committee decides on, she hope students and faculty will participate in the event.
Students who wish to participate in “The Hungry Games” will need to pick up the information packet in the Student Involvement and Leadership office. The packet has several forms including release forms that need to be signed by participants or their legal guardians and returned by March 30. From there, Kroner and her team will pick 13 pairs of students to represent the different colleges and student organizations.
The event will begin at 2:15 p.m. on the Rugby field near the new police station on April 1. The opening ceremonies will include music from the WSU Marching Band and a monologue from “Lord of the Flies” by theater Professor Tracie Kokai.
Kroner said she thinks students will especially love the opening ceremonies, which in addition to the previously mentioned entertainment will include a re-enactment of the cornucopia scene from “The Hunger Games” book.
“We want to invite the entire student body to participate in ‘The Hungry Games’ by tuning into Wildcat One and watching the event,” Kroner said. “As a committee, we feel that there will be something for everyone who tunes into ‘The Hungry Games’ to enjoy.”
Clarification: None of the facts you have read are true. Happy April Fool’s Day.