Four young women in sun hats strum on their ukuleles while belting out a tune. Down the street, a woman sits with her cat, offering tarot card readings to a passerby. The smell of cut grass and fresh coffee meets the nostrils of people wandering for art or fresh produce. This could only be the weekly Farmers Market in downtown Ogden.
Every summer brings a slew of local artists, musicians and more than 50 local growers together at Ogden’s Historic 25th Street Farmers and Art Market. The market happens every Saturday on 25th Street from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m until Sept. 24.
Among other things, the market is an arena in which to sample Ogden’s local food. Many vendors are out selling coffee, baked goods, barbecue and tacos.
“My favorite part is the bread,” said future Weber State University student Colton McTee. “I think I’ll definitely come back for a street taco as well.”
The Farmers Market gives local artists and craftsmen a chance to display their personal talents. Artwork like paintings, jewelry, handmade woodcrafts and photography are just a few examples of the different crafts the market offers.
Arrakis Rasmussen, local craftswoman and interior design major at WSU, operates a booth with her mother. Together they create mosaic artworks and knit scarves and hats to sell. This is their eighth year at the Farmers Market.
“The people-watching is my favorite part,” Rasmussen said. “We sit in the booth all day, so we see lots and lots of people and get to talk to and meet a lot of people. It’s really cool. You get a good feel of the city. And, of course, the vegetables — you can’t beat fresh local produce.”
Along with getting to know Ogden citizens, some vendors use the market as an opportunity to convey their personal perspectives through their art. Darnel L. Haney, former WSU associate dean of students and sociology professor, expresses his own history through paintings.
“My favorite part of the market is the exposure of my art to the central community of Utah,” Haney said. “Since the art is Afrocentric, there is very little identity, so I’m constantly educating people about African-American culture. The role that I play is education, and education is always exploring new ideas, getting a springboard to knowledge. I want to trigger your enthusiasm; I want to trigger your identity.”
As the summer winds down, the city festivals will begin to disappear, while downtown Ogden offers a weekly local gathering of food, art, free music and activities. Every week offers new activities and sights.
“A lot of interesting people come to the Farmers Market; it’s a huge range of people,” Rasmussen said. “You’ll get some hippie-type person, and next a Gothic-type person, and next a CEO. There’s no demographic for the market. It’s just everyone. It’s Ogden City.”