Norlito Ranchez
Anwar Bermudez aids a student via email in the Registar's office.
As the semester starts to unfold, many students have to learn how to balance work and school. Working schedules around class can be difficult and commuting adds to an already long to-do list. One way to avoid some of these struggles is to get a job on campus.
There is a wide variety of student jobs that appeal to many interests. Dining Services hires students to work in the restaurants around campus. Tutors are hired to help students with certain subjects. The writing center in Elizabeth Hall is staffed with students who have a detailed eye for editing and proofreading.
Mikaylee Becker is a house manager for the Browning Center. While many of the campus jobs involve doing office work, Becker gets to spend her shifts making sure everything goes smoothly for the audience members that attend one of Weber’s many shows in the center. She says that she and her coworkers get to see some parts of the shows they work at.
“I like the flexibility because we only work when shows are happening, so it’s a good part-time kind of job on the side,” Becker said. “Even though everything sounds really complicated, it’s relatively simple once you kind of get the hang of it.”
Jill Morales, a Weber State career counselor, listed job flexibility as one of the top three benefits of working on campus. Morales said on-campus jobs are usually mindful when it comes to midterms and finals, scheduling students for less hours around those times so they can study.
The other two benefits she mentioned were less commuting and expanding career readiness skills.
There are programs for campus employers that assist in hiring students. 50/50 is a program for employers on campus to help ensure these career readiness skills are being developed. It covers 50% of a student’s wages as long as a few requirements are met.
“All of the jobs under 50/50 have some caveats where the students need to be demonstrating that they are gaining some professional skills,” Morales said.
50/50 is one way to help pay for student wages, but a more helpful option exists for students who qualify for work study.
Work study is a program through FAFSA where federal funds are given to universities to pay for 90% of qualifying students.
There are some departments on campus that require students to be eligible for work study to be considered for employment. However, that is not always the case, and 50/50 is a great program to help departments hire students who are not on work study.
Overall, on-campus jobs are a great way to feel more connected with campus. Morales said that statistically, students who work on campus are more likely to achieve better grades and graduate.
You can find what jobs are available right now by visiting career services or logging into the jobs weber portal.