Davis Student Services Workshop
WSU’s Davis Student Services is hosting a “Resiliency Workshop” from noon to 1 p.m. on March 21.
Resiliency, or the ability to recover quickly from challenging circumstances, feels nearly impossible after a flunked test, a break-up or a constantly overwhelming schedule. Student Services writes that the purpose of the workshops is to teach participants how to “bounce back.”
The workshop will be help at the Davis Campus in Building D2 Room 117 and is free of cost.
The Davis Student Services is hosting a variety of workshops this semester, including a Suicide Prevention Training as well as a de-stress session with therapy dogs.
For more information visit: https://www.weber.edu/DavisStudentServices/events.html.

Generation F*: Barrier Breaking Women
Weber’s Women’s Center is continuing the Generation F” Panel with a new discussion on March 21. From 1:30 to 3:00 p.m., the “Generation F*: Barrier Breaking Women” panel will feature women who work in male-dominated fields.
The Generation F* panels center around the varying aspects of feminism. These panels debunk myths, focus on facts and educate on feminist history. In honor of Women’s History Month, this month’s panel specifically focuses on extraordinary women who have pursued careers as minorities in various fields.
This free event will take place in the Shepherd Union Building Wildcat Theater.
For more information email: womenscenter@weber.edu or contact the Women’s center via phone at: 801-626-6090.

Teacher Twilight Series, “Energy Theater”
On March 22 from 4:40 to 7 p.m., WSU’s College of Science will host “Energy Theater” as part of their Teacher Twilight Series.
The College of Science writes, “This workshop, presented by University of Utah’s Department of Educational Psychology Assistant Professor focusing on Science Education, Dr. Lauren Barth-Cohen, is often referred to as ‘improv theater for science class.’ Come away learning how to implement this in your science classrooms.”
This event will be held in Tracy Hall Room 102 and dinner will be provided.
To register, visit: weber.edu/csme/training.

St. George Rock Climbing Trip
WSU’s Outdoor Program is hosting a three day rock climbing trip, for climbers of all skill levels, to St. George March 23–25 .
The Outdoor Program writes, “Join us for an amazing weekend, and a great way to welcome back the warmer weather in the spring. We will travel to the warm and sunny St. George in southern Utah to sample classic sandstone and limestone rock climbing.”
For WSU students, the trip costs $80 and for non-WSU students the trip costs $120.
On March 20 at 6 p.m. there is a mandatory pre-trip meeting at the Outdoor Program building. March 20 at 6 p.m. is also the registration deadline.
For more information visit: https://www.weber.edu/outdoor/St_George_Climbing_Trip.html.