Elections for both Weber State University Student Association legislative and executive bodies will be held March 13-15, with the presidential debate beginning at noon on March 12 in the Shepherd Union Atrium.
The elections will have ballots open at Shepherd Union voting booths from 9 a.m. to noon or on Canvas at www.weber.edu/vote for students to vote anytime. Results will be announced on March 16 at Weber’s Got Talent.
Malack Mouhammad, assistant to the VP of the Activities Team and Student Involvement and Leadership Office, is responsible for the organizing and executing accommodations to each candidate’s platform on election week.
This poses a particularly unique challenge, as both legislative and executive elections will be happening within the same week rather than before and after spring break, like in previous years.
“With this change being made, it also demanded more organization,” said Mouhammad.
Normally when these election are held, giving each candidate adequate space within Shepherd Union is relatively easy. However, a total of 38 candidates hoping to have a guaranteed space during their campaign adds further complications.
“That is why I created shifts and separated the times in which legislative candidates and executive candidates would be in the Union Building,” said Mouhammad.
However, all candidates will be present at the same time in the building on March 12 for Meet The Candidates, which will start every day of the election at 11:30 a.m. Because of this, Mouhammad created a specific layout throughout the building for both candidates as well as assigning each individual a table.
It’s Mouhammad’s hope that throughout the week, assigning a table and time for 2.5 hours each day will ensure the candidates have a “safety net,” where they may be comfortable talking to students passing by.
“I’m hoping that having this set schedule will greatly encourage the candidates to step outside of the Union and utilize the other resources on campus like bus stops, other buildings, and especially Davis Campus,” said Mouhammad. “Only time will tell if this change really does have this impact, but I’m hoping for a positive outcome.”

Kurt Bell
WE ARE WEBER STRONG! What does that mean to you? I intend on finding out what it means to you and all of our students here at WSU when you elect me, Kurt Bell, as your next SBO president. As a current WSU Ambassador and LDSSA Vice President, I have come to see the importance of a single voice and the power of a unified student body. Getting an exceptional education is more than just a diploma; It is creating a solid network for the future, lasting friendships, and amazing memories. WSU offers all of these to its students, but we can do more! Let’s come together to create an even richer on-campus experience both inside and outside of the classroom. Together WE ARE WEBER STRONG! Be heard and be part of this exciting new movement. Vote for Kurt Bell #WeAreWeberStrong

Jordan Slater
I hope to create a culture at Weber State that includes Faculty, Students, Alumni and the Community. I plan to reach out to local business and Ogden City to help make Ogden the Home of the Wildcats. Whenever individuals go to Salt Lake City, Provo, or Logan they know that each of those cities hold a specific school. I hope to help Weber State create a new culture that says: Ogden is Wildcat Territory.
Many students are not aware of resources that are available to them. I plan to market and bring awareness to: The Dental Hygiene Clinic, Medical Office, Stress Relief Center, Swenson Gym (Racquetball, Pickle ball, Zumba, Rock Climbing etc.), and the multiple resources that the Student Services Center offices have. I plan to utilize new apps, Social Media, and other ways of communication to bring awareness of ongoing events and resources.
I will focus on new and innovative ways to discover when parking lots are full and least busy which includes “Lot Full” signs. Doing so will assist students in their planning and commute routine. Readily available parking maps and alternative means of travel can also assist students in their commute to campus. Also, making students aware of alternative solutions, such as the Dee Events Center, or Park and Ride options.
Mental Health is a growing concern. During the Spring semester of 2018 I have worked on a Mental Health Campaign that offers support for students who may be struggling. I will create a more expansive support system for students. If anything, I hope to create a culture of kindness, inclusivity and friendship between all students at Weber State.
I wish to help students join and participate in campus Clubs and Organizations. I also wish to get our Athletic Teams the support they deserve. With a new and improved Social Media presence, athletic support should increase, due to the advanced notice. With a new Athletic Marketing team in action I will assist them in planning and marketing.

Gabel Taylor
I started at Weber State as an Emerging Leader and fell in love with the campus. I continued in WSUSA and was the social media chair for Activities team. Later I moved on to currently becoming an Emerging Leader Mentor.
As President, I want others to find that same passion. With local on-campus outreach, as well as community and city outreach. I plan to continue to market the unique aspects WSU has to offer. I plan on making connections and building bridges to help everyone at Weber and in the surrounding areas be proud to be a Wildcat.
Legislative VP

Minsum Choi
Hello WSU students!
My name is Minsum Choi and I am running for WSUSA’s Legislative Vice President position. As the current Asian Students Senator, I have had the privilege to serve the Asian constituency here at Weber State and have learned so much about student’s needs and wants and now know how to address and act upon those needs. With the help of my amazing advisors and peers, I was able to re-establish the Asian Area Council (ASIA), which has been dormant for over five years.
Some of my goals for the upcoming year would include:
Promote clubs and organizations
Focus efforts on diversity and inclusivity for all students
Educate others on how to make their voices be heard
Give students the opportunity to make the most out of their college experience
As a Marketing and Entrepreneurship student, I have learned how to make our voices be heard and target who needs to hear it. As a Peer Mentor under Access and Diversity, I have had the opportunity to better educate myself on how people are treated differently based on their race, religion, skin color, socioeconomic status, etc. I hope to be able to help make this institute a home for all students, no matter what their background may be because in the end, we are all human and we are all here at Weber State for the same reason.
With everything I have learned over the past 3 years at Weber State University, I hope to continue to serve students and make positive contributions!
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Julio Otay
My name is Julio Otay. I’m a freshman seeking a Business Administration major. I have been working in the last 10 years with many different organizations, especially those related with community service. I have served 2 years in WSUSA as a Hispanic Student Senator. From day one, I wanted to serve and help in the University. I'm running as a Vice President of Legislature and I will like to work together with students and other executives in reaching common goals. I hope to be a resource and liaison for students and continue to accept student feedback and relay it to administration so that we can continue to make tangible improvements. I will like to push ourselves as a Senate to do things better, so that we can truly serve with and for the student body. My commitment is to give my best for this wonderful community and to provide my experience and dedication to Weber State University.

Clint Yingling
The Senate needs strong and capable leadership to ensure that the voices of the student in seek to empower the strengths of those around me to achieve the best possible outcome for the students at Weber State. I will focus on three major areas that I believe will not only improve WSUSA but will also help students at Weber State have a better experience. These three areas are transparency, modernization, and communication.
In order to be more accountable to the student body, the Senate needs to undergo a reformation. There is currently a lack of transparency when it comes to the actions of the Senate. It is difficult to hold senators accountable if the student body is not able to understand what their elected representatives are doing. Therefore, it is my goal as Senate President to collaborate with my colleagues improve transparency by streamlining the exchange and access to information.
As President of the Senate, I will place a stronger emphasis on modernizing the internal structure of the WSUSA organization to better meet the needs of students. There should be more information online that is available to the various groups within WSUSA on how to better meet the needs of their constituencies such as ensuring that all the forms and documents are available with the necessary steps to complete a task.
It is important to continue improving the way that WSUSA communicates to students the various resources that are available to them. The previous WSUSA leadership has taken major strides in improving the way in which we are able to get messages out to students about the resources available to them. However, it is imperative that that effort be continued after each new leadership transition. Through online reform, I will help improve the ways in which a student receives a helping hand in their time of need.
Activities VP

Colton Bell
My college experience started pretty boring and basic like many others. I’m a first generation college student and didn’t really know what to do with my life even though I lived right on campus. I thought of Weber as just a boring school so I never took a step outside my dorm room. To me at that moment I was at JUST Weber.I will forever be grateful that a handful of events and people got me just motivated enough to check out some things happening on campus because my life hasn’t been the same since. It’s crazy to think that getting involved in a couple events could lead to me becoming so much more involved than I ever thought possible, yet here I am now, the President of Greek Council, overseeing all fraternities and sororities on campus as well as Assistant to the Clubs and Orgs Vice President, helping to oversee all clubs on campus. The thing I’ve learned the most from these positions is that Weber’s diverse student body has likely the widest array of interests out of every college in the state. If elected, I would want to bring in some of these hidden gems of ideas to excite and entice those students that feel like there’s nothing for them to go to. I was that student my first year and all it took was that little bit of something interesting and that push from a friendly stranger to open up my life to limitless possiblities.As Activities VP I would strive to make every student feel like they’re attending a brand new, exciting event. I will seek to take our Weber State traditions and breathe new life in to them at every turn to make sure that students not only feel a familiarity to come to events, but are also always excited to see what will happen next. I want every student to know that they went to something that they could only experience at JUST Weber.
Vote me for Weber’s Vice President of Activities and I will make this year the most exciting one yet.

Tyler Dopp
I am concerned that not everyone may be informed of the many activities offered at Weber State. By immersing myself in these college experiences I have found the activities fulfilling. My goal is to help others feel more included and have a desire to participate in the activities so they may have the best college experience possible. I want to help connect the campus to the actives going on.
So, Stop! Vote for Dopp! as Vice President of Activities and we will connect our campus together and make your year at Weber great

Eduardo Franco
My name is Eduardo Franco and I am one of the candidates for V.P. of Activities within the WSUSA (Weber State University Students Association) program on campus. When I first arrived at Weber, I remember thinking to myself that this will be the time of my life where I can focus on my own success and dreams. I have come from presidential and vice-presidential positions through high school within their Latinos in Action committee. From translations to tutoring children on their reading, I was able to achieve a basic background on the roles pertaining to leadership. Looking back, I never thought I would become an emerging leader, a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, a Special Events Co-Chair for this Activities Team, and now a candidate for this greater position. All these experiences have provided me the opportunity to meet new people, express myself, create friendships, and bring upon a sense of belonging here at Weber. Weber State is home to multiple opportunities and connections for which I want all to know and experience. Students should and will feel like they belong and that this University is not just Weber, but also a strong infrastructure with the opportunity to get involved even on such small scales. I feel there is a greater need for outreach towards students to provide them all the information possible which in turn gives them a voice/opinion to reach this involvement. This could be done with ballots, surveys, and even the chance for input in the planning stages of all events. I have come to know that listening to students and their wants, concerns, and opinions on anything and everything will have a good outcome. This upcoming year, one of my goals is to provide students a sense of what being a Wildcat is and to not be afraid of meeting new people as I was. Join me in making this year a not just fun, but inclusive one where all ideas can come to life.

Jack Hyer
Hi, my name is Jack Hyer. Most of you probably don’t know who I am, and if we are being honest here most of you probably don’t care all that much. You may be thinking “oh geez… another one of these?” I may be an underdog, but will you hear me out just for a minute? We elect into office the people we choose to be our leaders, in our community and in our college student body. Some people aspire to leadership because it sounds like fun and they know a bunch of people. My question is: what do they have to offer? What do they bring to the table that isn’t already there? Here is what I offer: there exists a disconnect in our college community and in the community of Ogden, Utah. The general consensus regarding our college is that it’s “just Weber”. When WSU went to face James Madison University, the #1 school in the country, something historic to our school: there was no going away party to cheer them on, nor was there anyone to welcome them home. We should have been there! Our college community and Ogden should have BLED PURPLE that night. We, as a student body, are responsible for how much our school pride thrives. Go to Walmart, in OGDEN, and what do you find in the College apparel? UofU, BYU, and maybe Utah State. Weber State? No. I do not aspire for leadership and position, my purpose and intent is to inspire an idea that can lead to a movement that can bring change: TO RISE UP WEBER STATE! Getting our students into the community, & to events, until Ogden bleeds purple. Can we do this together? I may not be very well known, but there is one thing I do know: we are students at Weber State University, and WE are WILDCATS.
Diversity & Unity VP

Cody Brown
Hello, my name is Cody Brown. This will be my 3rd time running for executive office, and hopefully my second time service as the Vice President of Diversity and Unity. The role of my position is to manage and oversee a team of students who plan and execute diversity related educational events. You may have seen some of them before, like Stop the Hate or Taboo Talks. I know I have the experience necessary to manage such a team. Not only have I held this position previously, but also I have many other leadership experiences that make me right for the job.This is my fifth year at Weber State, and I want to leave my last year sharing what I have learned in my time here. Weber has offered me so many great experiences, and diversity and inclusion efforts have been at the forefront of those experiences. I have worked with Safe2Weber for two years, building primary prevention curriculum specific for the LGBTQ+ community. I have been on the Diversity Board for two years, learning about racism, xenophobia, transphobia, ageism, sexism, ableism, etc. I have also been a Crystal Crest Finalist 3 years in a row; two of those years were for Excellence in Inclusivity.
The biggest difference between being inclusive and having inclusive excellence is taking that step from equality to equity. It is easy to spread equality. Equality can be done with the erasure of identities; it gives everyone the same treatment. In an ideal world, equality would not be a bad goal, but many identities don’t have the same advantages and those differences are easy to overlook. For example, you probably would not understand how hard it is to get around campus in a wheelchair if you never had the experience yourself. Equity acknowledges the differences between people, and while celebrating those differences it allows people who may be at a disadvantage to move forward. This is important because those differences will be a focus in the events my team would host if I were elected.

Jessica Cairo
Go you! Yes, you! If you’re reading this, you’re one of the students who is actually putting in the effort to be an informed voter at Weber State University! My name is Jessica Cairo and I am running for Diversity and Unity Vice President.I’m what some people call Heinz 57; a person of many ethnic backgrounds. My mother is from the Philippines, but has Malaysian, Indian, and Spanish blood. My father is African-American and Japanese. Tagalog and Japanese are spoken fluently in my house by my mother and Grandmother. I was lucky to grow up in a military family, and I spent half of my life living in Germany. Learning about, and appreciating, what makes every individual unique is my passion, which is why I’m double majoring in Psychology and Integrated Studies in Japanese, English and Linguistics, with a minor in Neuroscience.This will be my 7th year at Weber State (WOWZA!), and during my tenure I’ve proudly served as the Vice President of Clubs and Organizations, Greek Council President, Davis Campus Senator, Coordinator for Diversity Programs at Davis Campus, an FYE Mentor and Peer Mentor. I am a member of an array of organizations, including: Black Scholars United (BSU), Asian Student Involvement Association (ASIA), CASA (Catholic Association for Social Action), Multicultural Advancement in Science (MAS), Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Psi Chi (Psychology Honors Society), Delta Chi Nu (Greek Life), Wyvern (Anime Club), Japan Club, Amnesty International, Students for Choice, Achieving Women’s Excellence (AWE), and the Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA).
Age, religion, race, sexual orientation, language, political views, gender, life experiences, disabilities, marital status; every student at Weber State is unique, and I want you to know you are valued. As Maya Angelou said, “In diversity there is beauty, and in unity there is strength.” As the Diversity and Unity Vice President, my goal would be to create a space of respect and safety so that we can celebrate in our differences, and stand united as students of Weber State. I hope you’ll give me the chance by voting for Jessica Cairo as Diversity and Unity Vice President.

Weston Lee
My name is Weston Lee and it is an honor to be running for Vice President of Diversity and Unity. Throughout the past several years, I have served in leadership and service capacities that have opened my mind to critical conversations that help promote a diverse and inclusive environment in our school and communities. These experiences have educated me in the knowledge and skills necessary to engage students, staff, and faculty in diversity awareness through this greater role.As current Assistant Director and former Sessions on The Ledge chair on the WSUSA Diversity & Unity Board, I am dedicated to producing quality educational opportunities and events on campus that encompass the value and respect of difference. Regularly working with Diversity & Unity Board members, the VP of Diversity and Unity, and the Diversity and Inclusive Programs Coordinator, this year we’ve produced successful events often in collaboration with various student organizations, programs, individuals, and departments. Whether you engaged in a Taboo Talks, Cultural Connections, Sessions on the Ledge, Stop the Hate, LGBTQ+ Awareness, or collaborative event — we’ve worked diligently to grow a welcome and equitable climate here at Weber State University — a critical demand for the continued growth and evolution of our school.
Building upon this year, I commit to making our opportunities and events easily discoverable and of high quality while further developing collaborative relationships. And under my leadership, I envision that our efforts will foster an environment where students leave Weber with a raised level of understanding that will enhance their overall civility. With high hopes, I humbly request your vote for Diversity and Unity Vice President.
Service VP

Patrick Luo
I’m Patrick Luo, the WSUSA Service Team Done In A Day Chair, first-generation student, member of the Honors Program, and more! I found out that if students with over 100 service hours apply for a job with their degree, they have at least a 10-15% better chance to get the job. Knowing that fact, I felt a strong passion to try and help other students earn service hours, especially to those who couldn’t leave the campus to obtain service hours.My position as the Done In A Day Chair is a rigorous position where I have to plan weekly service projects on campus, requiring a lot of time and commitment. I find it worthwhile because I am able to help students get their service hours when they have little-to- no-time or if they don’t have a vehicle to travel to an off-campus service project. I have sacrificed hours of sleep and free-time to ensure that I create extra service events in addition to the weekly ones and log my volunteers’ service hours.With my time with the service team, I have noticed that the unity between the departments on campus isn’t as close as I wanted it to be. So I plan to unify the departments in the university starting with the Athletics Department. I have chatted with athletes who need service hours for their scholarships and classes but never have the time to do it due to classes and practice. By making collaborated service projects with the athletics department and others, I hope to bring unity into Weber though service. In addition to the athletes, I still plan to continue with my goal to help other students obtain service hours to help with their scholarships, classes, employment opportunities, or their desire to help another person.
Vote for me as the WSUSA’s Service Team VP and I’ll make next year great great great!
Clubs & Orgs VP

Minkay Choi
Hello, my name is Minkay Choi and thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to consider my candidacy for Clubs and Organizations Vice President.During this last year, I have had the privilege of serving as the Students Life and Interests Chair on the Clubs and Organizations Team. In this position, I have been able to help many students meet others with similar interests. I also have had the opportunity to attend several club meetings and talk to the members about why they love what they do.I am hoping to grow and build upon these past experiences with clubs and work with many more clubs if I am elected to the Clubs and Organizations Vice President position. I want to be able to better facilitate the collaboration between different clubs as well. There are so many clubs here on campus that do have similar interests with each other. If they are able to collaborate more, they would have many more opportunities to meet other students who have similar interests, and form friendships that can last a lifetime.
I hope that you take the time to look at each candidate running for this position as well so that you can make an informed decision when voting, they are all amazing people. Again, thank you for taking the time to read my platform and considering my candidacy for the Clubs and Organizations Vice President position here at Weber State.

Katherine Giddens
Katie Giddens, Accountant Major, Student Alumni Association Executive Chair and student Just Like You!Mission: We are students from Weber, for Weber PLATFORM GOALS:
PRIDE – Increase pride of WSU and generate the Wildcat SpiritTRADITIONS – Inform clubs of WSU’s Traditions and help them start new ones NETWORKING – Help connect clubs with each other, building current and new connections for studentsGRATITUDE – Help club members appreciate the value of their WSU educationSERVICE – Help clubs value their time, talents and resources, and encourage them to serve WSU community

Steven Cruz
Throughout my life I have been taught that hard work pays off and that the small and simple things bring to pass the big and better things in life. If I am elected for Clubs and Orgs VP I promise to work close with every club here at Weber State University. As VP I promise to personally attend and get to know the clubs and everyone within them and work hand in hand with their leaders to create the best experiences possible for EVERYONE here at Weber. Together working alongside your Club Leaders, I will help unite the Student Body here at Weber and boost the Involvement in Sporting and Athletic Events, along with Social and Service Events. I will create an environment where we can all come together no matter our differences because together we are WEBER. I will work hard and be diligent in my efforts to make sure YOU feel welcomed within our Clubs and Orgs. If I am elected VP for Clubs and Orgs I will make sure 2018 is a memorable time for you here at Weber State.
Steven for Clubs and Orgs VP 2018
Leadership VP

Bret Alexander
Hello, my name is Bret Alexander! My biggest goal and aspiration is to show every person their full potential and how to capitalize upon it. We all have something to offer, let’s find what is unique about YOU!I have loved being involved and showing people what to love about themselves and how that makes them a better leader. Being a leader is more than just taking charge and being the one that talks for a group or makes decisions. Being a leader means putting yourself last and sacrificing some things that may be important to you. Being a leader is more than the praise and credit someone is given, it also includes the consequence if anything goes wrong. Being a leader is not easy, but with YOUR vote, I can show YOU my best version of a leader. YOU are all amazing individuals with something to offer. Let me help you find something you love and get YOU involved.
I’m a first-generation college student. I moved out of my mom’s house when I was 16. I have had 2 jobs since and am putting myself through college. I understand the needs of the students and through this experience, I’ll know how to better help YOU. I am here to show everyone that regardless of negative circumstances, WE can end up on top. WE can make a difference. WE can inspire people to become the best person they can be. Voting me for Vice President of Leadership will be a chance to find the greatest YOU there can be.
Davis Campus VP

Heather Sheehan
My name is Heather Sheehan and I am a pre-medical student running for Davis Vice President. If there was one word to describe the Davis Student Council, that word would be family because with each other we are able to use our unique abilities to overcome life’s obstacles. As a family, we have brought light to the Davis Campus. This light the council possesses is what has encouraged me to run for Davis Vice President. In closing, I hope to carry this legacy and fully extend myself, so that the students of Davis Campus can be heard and not unrepresented.
African American Senator
American Indian Senator

Bessie Pettigrew
Currently I am a sophomore studying to go into criminal justice with a minor in sociology. I am from Layton, Utah. I come from the Navajo Nation. My mission for being the American Indian Senator for 2018 – 2019 is to represent and honor the beauty of Native American cultures here on campus. My goal with the native community here within and outside of weber state is to promote positive relationships, advocate for the Native American students, and recruit to build the Native American student population here at Weber State.
Asian Senator

Christian Phomsouvanh
Hello WSU Students! My name is Christian Phomsouvanh and I am an undergrad student pursuing my passions in the arts & sciences as well as serve as your next Asian Student Senator. During my time at the university I have gained experience through my current position as vice chair and being an active member of the Asian Student Involvement Association (ASIA). Within one semester we have addressedAsian issues and concerns by the following:- Increased the membership of ASIA from 0-40 students- Organized volunteer, cultural, academic, and social events within our institution and throughout the community- Advocated for students in high school and collegeI look forward to serving as your next senator to bring awareness to the 24 unique ethnic groups within the Asian population. My goal is to enlighten and educate the community by encouraging students to positively reframe the stigmas and issues resonating around those who identify themselves with diverse backgrounds. As the Asian Senator I am there to give a voice for the Asian community and support the efforts of various multicultural groups we have available here on campus.
Thank you for taking the time to consider me for this position. I know that if I am elected, I can assure you that my work will go towards helping establish a safe, comfortable, and open environment for Asian students as well as those of multicultural backgrounds.
Athletic Senator
College of Applied Science & Tech Senator
College of Arts & Humanities Senator
College of Business & Economics Senator

Scott Lund
The Goddard School of Business is one of Utah’s best-kept secrets. Though we have alumni at many of the most prestigious businesses in the country, Weber State students are often overlooked by top companies. I will work to provide us with more career opportunities at the nation’s best companies through alumni connections, community leadership, and club involvement. I know Weber State students can compete with students from across the country, and I will work to provide us with opportunities to maximize our career potential.

Scott McDonald
After his family had lost all during the Great Depression, John B. Goddard cared so much for this school, for he recognized it to be the economic engine to get our community and society back on their feet. As senator for this business school that bears his name, I will work tirelessly to see that vision fulfilled and unabating. I will do so by striving to give us, the students, a louder voice; by expanding the breadth of extracurricular learning opportunities to accommodate the variety of class and work schedules that exist here; and by facilitating not only programs, but an environment that encourages our experienced students to fortify those that are new, so that all may have strong positive influences and guidance.
College of Education Senator
College of Health Professions Senator

Caden T. Kendell
Hello, My name is Caden Kendell and I am running for Senator of the College of Health Professions. I deeply value honesty, communication, and hard work. I plan to manifest these qualities as I represent my fellow students. I believe that students should not only be heard but also be aware of what is being done for them. I will work to improve open and honest communication between students and their representatives. I truly believe that through excellent
communication, honesty, and hard work we can better prepare for our futures and become the best health care professionals possible! “The future depends on what you do today.”-Mahatma Gandhi

Kaly Thompson
Hi there! My name is Kaly Thompson and I am so excited and honored to have this opportunity to run for the College of Health Professions Senator!I am a proud Wildcat that couldn’t be happier anywhere else. I’m in my sophomore year getting ready to apply for the Nursing Program. I plan on being here for at least five more years to get my Master’s to be a nurse practitioner. We have phenomenal health programs here at Weber State with remarkable, hard-working students and I am so happy to be a part of it! Being a part of the College of Health Professions can mean a great deal to many people. For me, it is a life saver.It gives me a purpose in the world, a reason to keep going and to keep trying harder every day. It means having a chance to do what you have always dreamed of, which, for me, is helping people and finding a way to make them happy.
I completely understand that at times school can be overwhelming and make you feel like you have no idea what to do or where to turn. I know the feeling of that stress and anxiety all too well, and one of the things that has helped me is a good support system. I want to be a part of that support system for you. I want you to know that when things get hard, or you’re not sure of what to do next, that I will be there and I will make sure that we find the right person to get you the answers you need. I would love for you to come to me with any ideas or issues so I can be your voice. I want every single one of you to reach your dreams. It is my goal to give you all of the tools and resources I can to help you succeed and make the process as easy and comfortable as possible for all of you. Help me be the change you wish to see in the world.
College of Science Senator

Brian J. Farnsworth
Think. Plan. Act. – A simple outline that can lead to our success. If elected as Senator of the College of Science, my focus will be on this progressive pattern of principles: We must THINK about current issues at WSU. The concerns of STEM students must be discussed openly. We must PLAN for our future. I want to hear your opinions on what and how to improve. We must ACT now. I will fight for you each and every day. I am a pre-medical student pursuing a BS in Zoology. Thank you for your consideration.

Kade Crittenden
Hello, my name is Kade Crittenden, I am a Biochemistry major and an aspiring med student. I am campaigning to be the student Senate representative for the College of Science. If elected, I’d prove that the College of Science and Weber are not “just” the College of Science or “just Weber” but something much greater. I believe everyone should be motivated to grow and to reach goals, instead of being “weeded out” by challenging courses and tough major requirements. I encourage all to become exactly what they’ve set out to be, and to overcome any adversity. In representing the College of Science, I would showcase the intelligence and passion of the students who make it.
College of Social & Behavioral Sciences Senator

Jovany Bahena-Rosario
Platform not available yet
Davis Campus Senator

Alexandra Cothran
Platform not available yet

Spencer D. Ramsey
Platform not available yet
Graduate Student Senator
Hispanic Senator

Abdiel Vazquez
Political Science Major Spanish Minor2 years in college. First Generation Associates GraduateHispanic Area Council MemberModel United Nations Member
Cesar Chavez once stated, “Students must have initiative; they should not be mere imitators. They must learn to think and act for themselves and be free.” I have the confidence that all Weber State Hispanic, Latino, Mexican-Americans, Dreamers, and Mechas students will succeed in achieving their dream.As a Mexican-American, I understand the personal struggles our community face on a daily basis. I will work actively on campus and in the community to alleviate these issues to further our advancement as a whole and ensure our continued success. As your Hispanic Senator I will amplify our presence here at Weber State University in order to hear your concerns and thoughts. I know for a fact that when we all work together we can make a big impact in our community. It’s time for a change and I will provide my service to construct a better path towards your successful career. A vote for me is a vote to create a bigger impact in our community. I am ready to get involved in your triumph to a better future.

Ingrid Oseguera
Platform not available yet
Honors/BIS Senator

Sultan S. Ayubi
I, Sultan Ayubi, declare my intention of becoming a candidate for the Student Senate as a candidate for the Honors / BIS Program under the following platform.
To establish a central platform for all honors / BIS students to voice their opinion in the student senate.Providing accessibility and help to new Honors / BIS students.Summer Classes since there is Pell Grant for summer semester.
My email address that I designate for receiving official election notices and or any communication is sultanayubi@mail.weber.edu

Rachel Creer
Platform not available yet

Christian Schweitzer
Hey everyone, I am running to be your Honors Senator for 2018-2019! In my first year at Weber State, I have been lucky enough to witness how impactful student involvement is through my role on the service team. As a senator, I will promote higher levels of engagement in the Honors community by encouraging collaboration between departments, advocating for inclusivity, and establishing programs inspiring students to grow socially as well as intellectually. Being a high-achieving student doesn’t mandate being boring, and the Honors program can serve as a shining example of the diverse abilities of all Weber State students!
International Students Senator

Chukwuebuka Odu
Platform not available yet
Non-traditional Senator
Pacific Island Senator
Residence Hall Senator

Andrew Frost
Platform not available yet
Students With Disabilities Senator
Traditional Senator

Brody Baily
I want students to know that they have a voice on this campus in the decisions that are being made, and confidence that the decisions that are being made are for their benefit. I can honestly say that helping students has been a goal of mine the entire time I’ve been in school. I served as the Student Body President in high school and was also involved in student government throughout the rest of my high school and Jr High career as well. While serving, we restructured student government to create more opportunities for students to serve, be recognized, and be involved in the school. For example, while serving as SBO president, we created a Student Body Officer (SBO) positon called “Student Recognition” to recognize students for their efforts in overcoming challenges, pursuing academic excellence, etc. We also created a SBO position completely devoted to providing service opportunities for students throughout the community. During the holiday season, we raised $15,000 to help students who wouldn’t have otherwise had a holiday celebration. We already have similar groups here on campus, and my goal is to build on those. Another major goal of mine is to get more service opportunities into the classroom by involving professors in service projects and opportunities on campus. Serving is something that should be a blessing and not a burden to curriculum. Really, the foundation of my platform could be summarized using the initials of our university, WSU. Together, We Stand United in our commitment to each other, to this university, and to our community.
Veteran Senator

Travis Parson
I want to represent the Veteran constituency to the best of my ability. I will do so by keeping my constituency informed about information and issues happening on campus. To listen to my constituency about issues and concerns and follow through with action or information about what to do to solve the problem. To go to all the committees and report what I have learn to my constituency.
Thank You