Every year, Weber State University hosts a two-day leadership conference to provide students with an awareness of leadership skills and future opportunities filling leadership roles. The weekend, which will be held Sept. 29–30, consists of workshops, available service projects and two keynote speakers.

Registration will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, followed by dinner, a presentation by one of the keynote speakers and the presenting of the projects.
Come Saturday, the conference will resume with registration and breakfast at 9 a.m., after which attendees are scheduled for a series of 15 workshops.
The theme for this year is centered on the school, and as such all students are welcome to attend with a $20 fee. Registration for the event closes Sept. 28.
After lunch, the conference will come to an end with the choosing of a service project and the second keynote speaker. In years past, Project LEAD has been afforded one Weber alumnus or alumna in a leadership role to address current students.

This year, however, the leadership team within Weber State University Student Association has secured the presence of former students Andre Lortz and Mike Moon. The leadership team, along with alumni officers, reached out to the community in search of former students willing to share their strengths and experiences in superior roles.
Project LEAD has partnered with local clothing company Ogden Made, but it’s uncertain whether or not the four co-founders will be in attendance this weekend.
Strengths assistant Danica Rudd and other members of the leadership team have decided to dub this Project LEAD conference as “Weber Made” in their partnership with the local clothing company.